This article was designed to enlighten you about Federal College of Education Umunze courses, cut-off marks & requirements. Carefully read through to know the latest updates from the institution.
The Federal College of Education Umunze is one of the best College of Education in the Nigeria which was established in 1986 but started operations in 1989.
The Federal College of Education Umunze offers various programmes under PRE-NCE, NCE (Regular, CEP and Sandwich), Degree and Post Graduate Diploma in Education. One thing to also note about is that the college is affiliated to the Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) Awka in Nigeria.
Without much ado, below is a list of approved and accredited courses offered in Federal College of Education Umunze, Anambra State.
Federal College Of Education Umunze Courses, Cut-Off Marks & Requirements
All courses offered are accredited by National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) and published on
- Business Education
- Fine and Applied Arts Education
- English/Social Studies Education
- English/Igbo Education
- Agricultural Science Education
- Home Economics Education
- Physical and Health Education
- Computer/Chemistry Education
- Computer/Biology Education
- Computer/Physics Education
- Computer/Mathematics Education
- Adult and Non-formal Education
- Metal Work Education
- Primary Education Dept.
- Early Childhood Care and Primary Education
- Computer/Integrated Science Education
- Electrical/Electronics Technology Education
- Building/Woodwork Technology Education
Federal College Of Education Umunze Cut-Off Marks & Admission Requirements
Applicants wishing to be considered for direct admission into the full time NCE programme must enroll for and write the JAMB entrance examination and attain a minimum cut-off marks of at least 120.
- Candidates seeking for admission in to any NCE programme must possess any of the following qualifications:
- A Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or G.C.E. O’ Level or NECO with passes in 5 subjects
- including English Language, and Mathematics three (3) of which must be at credit level at one sitting or four credits at two sittings
- and two of the credits must be relevant to the course. Credits in English is required.
- Associateship or affiliate Certificate in education awarded by a recognized institution in Nigeria or abroad may be accepted for admission purposes.
- Successful applicants in the Pre-NCE final examination and MPCE examination are also eligible for admission.
- All candidates seeking for admission into the full time NCE programmes should note that courses runs for Three regular years.
List Of Degree Courses Offered In Federal College of Education Umunze|FCET Umunze Degree Courses
We are going to list all fcet umunze degree courses to all aspiring students. Please note that these underlisted courses are the only courses that are currently being offered at fcet umunze.
Any courses that is not available on this page simply means the courses are not being offered by the school.
- Physics Education
- Business Education
- Computer Science Education
- Education & Mathematics
- Education & Physics
- Education And Biology
- Education And Chemistry
- Electrical/Electronics Education
- Home Economics And Education
- Education & Computer Science
- Education And Integrated Science
- Early Childhood And Primary Education
- Educational Management And Policy
- Building And Woodwork Technology Education
- Education/Mechanical/Automobile Technology Education
Federal College of Education Umunze Cut Off Marks
Below are the cut off marks for Federal College of education Umunze for 2025/2026
School of Agricultural Science and Home
Economics Education
Agricultural Science Education………………………100
Home Economics Education………………………100
School of Business Education
Office Technology and Management Education………………………100
Accounting Education………………………100
School of Fine and Applied Arts Education
Fine Arts Education………………………100
Applied Arts Education………………………100
School of Languages
English/Political Science Education option…100
English/Economics Education option…100
English/Social Studies Education option…100
English/Igbo Education option…100
School of Education
Adult and Non-formal Education…100
Primary Education Studies……100
Early Childhood Care Education…100
School of Science Education
Computer/Chemistry Education…100
Computer/Biology Education…100
Computer/Physics Education…100
Computer/Mathematics Education…100
Computer/Integrated Science Education…100
Physical and Health Education…100
School of Industrial Technical Education
Industrial Technical Education…100
Electrical/Electronics Technology Education…100
Building Construction Technology Education…100
Woodwork Technology Education…100
Metal Work Education…100
Automobile Technology Education…100
Now that you know the Federal College of Education Umunze courses, cut-off marks and admission requirements, you can take the next step to applying for admission in to any programme you are interested in the higher institution.
How To Check FCET Umunze Admission List
There are two method you can use in checking for your name on the FCET Admission list. You can either use the school Portal, or the JAMB CAPS.
Using the FCET Umunze School Portal:
Step 1: Visit the FCET School portal
Step 2: Select Programme and Session
Step 3: Enter your JAMB Registration Number In the required column
Step 4: Click on “SUBMIT” to view Admission Status
Step 1: Visit JAMB E-facility portal
Step 2: Log in to your JAMB Profile using the Username and Password which you uses during JAMB registration.
Step 3: After successful log-in into your profile, scroll downwards and click the “Check Admission Status” button.
Step 4: Select your Examination year, and type in your JAMB Registration Number into the blank space.
Step 5: Click on the “Check Admission Status” to see your name on the FCET Umunze admission list
Please notice that you are “Accept” admission or “Decline” when you find your name on the admisson list and print out the admission letter. This is Important for those who did not see their name on the FCET Admission list but could find their name on the JAMB CAPS portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Has umunze started giving admission?
The under-listed candidates have been offered Provisional Admission into the NCE & Degree Programmes of Federal College of Education (Technical), FCET, Umunze for the 2025/2026 Academic Session.
How much does FCET Umunze charge for school fees?
The school fees for Federal college of education Umunze is between N35,000 to N40,000.
How to buy umunze college of education admission form?
The forms are available at the Sandwich Unit, F.C.E.T Umunze on the payment of N5,000.00 only through Remita Online Platform.
Recommended Links:
Full List Of FCE Zaria Degree Courses And School Fees
Latest JAMB Cut-Off Mark for Universities In Nigeria
To further know more about the list of accredited degree courses offered in Federal College of Education Umunze, Anambra State, you would need to visit the school official website at
Now that you know the Federal College of Education Umunze courses, cut-off marks and admission requirements, you can take the next step to applying for admission in to any programme you are interested in the higher institution.