Sometimes sleeping off in class has everything to do with the level of its interest with you, something it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fact that you were up all night doing the unexplainable.
No matter what your reason is, there are many ways to combat the sleeping bug. Check out the following tips for staying awake in class below!
7 Tips For Staying Awake In Class
1. Sit Up Front And Centre:
By sitting in the front, you have the sense?that the teacher is looking directly?at you, whether or not he/she is. You are in view of everyone.
This position not only gives you easier access to the board or projector, so you can see the notes better. But it makes you feel obligated to pay attention. You will actually fear?sleeping off in class because everyone will notice!
2.?Take Notes:
Whether you are a good note-taker or not, the mere act of writing may help you stay conscious and awake. If your hand is constantly moving, then there is a?lesser chance of sleeping off in class. Just do not get too caught up in your notes that you forget to listen to what is being taught. This technique is good for visual learners; who learn best when they actually SEE what is being taught.
3.?Change Your Position:
Do not sit in the same position for the entire class. For instance, ladies often cross their legs while sitting through a lecture. Try uncrossing your legs for some time, or switching the leg that is crossed. You can even shift in your seat at various intervals. Even changing the position of your notebook now and then can be beneficial.
4: Suck On A Candy or Chew Gum:
Now, please do not go into class with a lollypop sticking out of your mouth. Make sure the candy you select is something you can suck unnoticed. You do not?want to be sitting in class munching on a chocolate bar. I’ve found that chewing gum or sucking on a mint has a way of keeping me awake.
5.?Stand To Stay Awake:
You can stand up and stay away from blocking the view of your colleagues. Stand and take notes keeps one away from sleeping off in class. If you’re near a door that exits the building, go out for some fresh air. Just remember to return to class promptly. You do not want to miss too much valuable information.
6. Be Creative!
In your mind, try to apply what’s being taught to real life. Imagine pictures in your head; animate the actions (in your mind). Even if it is math, you can make it interesting. Be creative! Sometimes there’s absolutely nothing you can do to prevent sleep.
Those times when your body is worn down and lacking sleep, it’s hard not to give in to your body. However, if it is the unexciting drawl of the teacher’s voice or the boring content, there’s a way to make the experience more interesting for you.
7.?Avoid Caffeine:
Stay away from too much caffeine. You never know when you’re going to crash. That may just occur during class and maybe the REASON for you falling asleep. Also, too much caffeine during the day can disturb your sleep at night and then the cycle repeats. Also, believe it or not, TOO MUCH sleep can also make you tired. It may sound ridiculous but it’s true.
In conclusion, if you desire staying awake in class, try to keep away from caffeine, get a good night’s sleep, make the lecture content interesting and KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM YOUR FACE while in class!