The struggle to NYSC Orientation Camp gets rough, messy and callous on arrival day and your NYSC Documents might get lost. Let me show you how to Protect your NYSC Documents in a brief.
Many prospective corsp members (PCMs) are often so engrossed with how to get mobilized for NYSC programme, until they are less concerned about how to protect their NYSC documents before and during the NYSC orientation exercise at the camp.
Some others have wrong perspectives or ways of protecting these important NYSC documents.
This article is just an attempt to enlighten some PCMs on how to protect their NYSC documents.
By NYSC documents, we mean those documents that are relevant to you during your screening exercise at the camp where you are posted to. for instance; Your Statement of results, Call up letter, school identity card, Birth certificate, medical certificate, your green cards etc.

How To Protect Your NYSC Documents
(1) Keep Your Documents Safe Away From Public
Its one thing to keep your documents, and its another thing to keep it very safe. You should not assume that no one needs your documents, it can be stolen from where you carelessly kept them and converted for personal use.
Some fake corps members can assume your identity at the camp if they lay their hands on it. It has happened before and it’s still happening.
(2) Never You Fold Your Documents
The best way to keep your documents is to get a waterproof transparent folder for safety. You should never fold your documents and put them inside your pocket at any time. It’s an irresponsible act and won’t speak well of you as a graduate.
(3) Do Not Laminate Your Documents
People seems to laminate their certificates/documents because they believe that lamination protects paper materials from getting damaged by fluid or dirts, thereby elongating the lifespan of the documents.
However true these assertion can be, it has also been proven that lamination can cause damage to your documents.
Here Are Reasons Why You Should Not Laminate
(i) Overheating Can Destroy It: For the hot laminating machine, if not properly operated can destroy your documents for good. Lamination can burn down paper if not handled with care.
(ii) It Flattens Security Marks/Seal: Some documents contains prints, security seals, Marks or stamps, when laminated, such documents is totally flattened out.
(iii) Duplicates Goes Wrong: In cases where you will have to duplicates certificates through photocopier, laminated documents may not produce the best effect due to its reflective polythene texture.
(iv) Finally, NYSC Asked You not to laminate your certificates.
(4) Do Not Give Your Documents To Anyone To Hold For You
While you are at the NYSC Camp, one or two things may come up and you need someone to hold your documents for you. Our honest advice is that you always find a way of keeping them with you. And if you must give to a friend to hold, be sure of the kind of friend. It must be a trusted friend.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Which state has the finest NYSC camp in Nigeria?
The most beautiful NYSC camp is Ogun State Orientation Camp
Because the camp is new and so are the facilities, the Ogun State orientation camp is arguably the best NYSC orientation camp in Nigeria. The camp’s equipment is fully operational and functional.
What is the best group to join in NYSC camp?
The Red Cross is considered the best group to join on camp because of the importance of its mission and the fact that you get breaks from parades while you’re on duty. You also get special treatment from NYSC officials and security operatives.
What is the highest age for NYSC?
Is there any age limit for NYSC participation? Absolutely yes! Graduates who are older than 30 years of age at the time of graduation will not be eligible to join the National Youth Service Corps and a certificate of exemption will be issued to them and it is equivalent to a discharge certificate.
Can I reduce my age after NYSC?
The only way to reduce your age for NYSC is to change your date of birth on the JAMB portal through regularization.
Can I get a job without NYSC?
Government, NGO, and International Companies: To work with a government, most positions (if not all) require HND/BSC holders to possess NYSC discharged certificate. In such cases, they also (except stated otherwise) accept both the exemption and exclusion letters being equivalent to discharged certificates.
Can you redeploy twice in NYSC?
It is possible to apply for NYSC relocation twice, but it is important to note that you must have a valid and credible reason for your relocation. The NYSC management will consider your reasons before approving your application.
Can I do NYSC clearance without PPA?
If you haven’t been assigned a PPA or have been rejected without a PPA, you can still do your monthly clearance. In this case, you need to visit the LI with your letter of rejection and a posting letter. The LI will sign the posting letter, and you can leave your name.
What happens if you miss NYSC CDS?
Any member who leaves his duty station or absents himself from any official activity without the permission of the State Coordinator shall be tried by the Corps Disciplinary Committee and, if found guilty, be liable to extension of service with half pay double the period of absence.
Thank you for reading the article How To Protect Your NYSC Documents.
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Morning, I love your site. Here is my question. How can I process exemption letter for sandwich programme. I was asked to apply for it on NYSC PORTAL. just want to know the right steps. Thanks in anticipation of your response
Morning sir… You should visit the school(Where you graduated from) Admin and ask them for your NYSC exemption letter… They will advise you accordingly… If you have anything other question, pls sir don’t hesitate to ask me…