Like Jakonda Green Valley Farms giving training on how to make your pig grow quickly in Nigeria, here are five researched steps you probably did not know could boost your growing Pig production within the shortest possible period.
Pig farming in Nigeria is one of the fast growing and most lucrative Agri-business that can never be overemphasised in today’s Economy…
Pig farming is of course a thriving and profitable business because of the nutritious value of pig meat (pork) and other by products from pigs you absolutely have nothing to lose investing in the growth of your pig, follow these five techniques to keep for a better productivity.

Five Researched Ways To Make Your Pig Grow Quickly in Nigeria
1. Have the right feeding combination:
different nutrition goes for different? that different life stages require different nutrients. “The greatest bang for your buck would be to go to at least two diets: One for young pigs and lactating sows, and one for older pigs and gestating sows.”
2. Choose the best supplements:
While you can pork up your porker by giving it with good food, nutritious supplements are key to complete health and building muscle bulk.
Van Heugten explain the power of selecting the amino acid lysine as a diet supplement. “Farmers should carefully assess the diets to ensure they meet the amino acid requirements of the pig,” he says. “Lysine is the amino acid that require to be supplemented first, because it is usually limiting growth of the pig.”
3. A healthy pig is a happy pig:
Janet Archer, education and outreach specialist for the N.C. Pork Council, understands the benefits of having happy, healthy pigs. “We evaluates animal well-being by how well animals produce.” Archer point out a few basic husbandry skills can make for a happy home: clean water, well-balanced diet and adequate ventilation.
She also notes one very essential task to maintaining hogs’ long-term well-being: record keeping. “Farmers should have a record-keeping system to create a baseline for their production numbers, thus, they can track continuous improvement.”
Alabama A&M and Auburn University noted some nice Swine Production Records, which can be useful when trying to organise your records.
4. Understanding the Pigs:
Knowing a pig’s “point of balance” gives farmers and pigs peace of mind, Archer explains. “The point of balance is around the animal’s shoulder: If you touch the animal behind her shoulder, she will move forward, and if you touch her in front of her shoulder, she will back up.
These two techniques help us to keep animals moving in the direction in which we want them to move.” furthermore, techniques like pig rings can help keep your livestock under control.
5. Minimizing stress on your livestock:
Different means of transportation can be stressful for animals and humans respectively, it is more essential to manage such stress in order to maximize your pig farming profit, and everyone’s well-being. “Managing stress starts long before we move the animals,” says Archer. “It’s important to go through the pens and handle the pigs to get them used to positive human interaction.
Hope these tips on how?to make your pig grow quickly in Nigeria is very useful, don’t hesitate to share with your friends and colleagues…