Welcome to Campus Times Nigeria, are you searching for article on how to calculate CGPA in the National Open University of Nigeria? This post will guide you on how to calculate your GPA and CGPA in NOUN.
Knowing how to calculate your GPA and CGPA enables you to know whether you are going to graduate with a first class, second class upper, second class lower, third class, pass or certificate of attendance, as in the case of the university graduates.
GPA is used for a semester while CGPA is used at the end of a session, GPA stands for GRADE POINT AVERAGE, while on the other hand, CGPA stands for CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE.
What Is CGPA?
Cumulative Grade Point?Average (CGPA) is the average of?Grade Points?obtained for all semesters and courses completed up to a given academic term, whereas the?Grade Point?Average (GPA) may only refer to one term.
Eg. If in a semester, a student earned 56 quality points for 18 Credit Units, the students GPA is 56/18 = 3.11
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)?is derived by adding the Total Quality Points (TQP) for all semesters to date and dividing by the Total Credit Units (TCU) for all semesters to date.
Eg. If a student earns a QP of 56 for 18 CU in the first semester and earns QP of 67 for 20 CU in the second semester, His CGPA is TQP/TCU = (56 + 67) / (18 + 20) = 123/38 =3.24
National Open University Result Grading System
0-39. ? F
40-44 ? E
45-49 ? D
50-59 ? C
60-69 ? B
70-100 ? A
Noun Result CGPA Ranges under the new Four (4)- Point Grading Scale for Classification of Degrees:
3.5- 4.00 ? First Class Honours
3.0-3.49 ? Second Class Honours (Upper Division)
2.0-2.99 ? Second Class Honours (Lower Division)
1.0-1.99 ? Third Class Honours
How To Calculate CGPA In The National Open University
- Visit the National open university portal CGPA Calculator page >?https:
- //www.nounportal.com.ng/p/gpa-calculator.html
- Enter course grade in the labeled field ?GRADE?.
- Enter your course credit units accordingly, and then
- Click ?Calculate? button to see your semester calculated GPA straightaway.
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Good day, please kindly educate me on how to calculate cgpa for carrying over for masters courses.
Do I place the new grade of the carryover with the F, or divide the new by two, or calculate the new grade along side the F the I scored before.
Thanks and God bless you greatly
Ogunbor. A
Why can’t we calculate our GPA using the site provided?
Why can’t we calculate our GPA using the site provided?
Good day sir , I find it difficult how to calculate GPA of three credit and six credit unit. Thanks
I missed pop master degree exam due to unavoidable reason. Gst801 is still available. If I take this paper how will it affect cgpa. The tma for the courses I missed was attempted.
Hi Joseph Asabor, you might have to rephrase your sentence for your comment/question to be understood.
good day sir/ma
please i need more explanation for a cgpa grade lower start from 2.50 to 3.49, but i just read from this page that lower start from 2.0 to 2.99. and 3.0 to 3.49 is upper credit. pls how true.
Hi Kabiru , This LINK will help you. CLICK HERE: http://campustimesng.com/calculate-cgp-and-cgpa-nigerian-universities/
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